Add, subtract, freeze or cancel yourself with our form below

Membership Change Form

Making adjustments to your membership is fast and easy. Simply fill out the form below, add comments on the changes you need made and why, and our team will take care of the rest.
*CANCEL* You can cancel your membership at any time for any reason. You must submit your request by the 25th day of the current month to avoid future billing, as the termination will take effect on the 1st of the upcoming month. If you cancel and want to rejoin at any time in the future, you will need to pay a new start up fee.

*FREEZE* You can freeze your membership at any time for any reason. 

  • For EFT Monthly members, notice of the freeze must be given by the 25th day of the current month, as the freeze will take effect on the 1st of the upcoming month. All members will be billed a $15 per month per person fee. Once you come back to unfreeze, you’re only charged the prorated dues for the remainder of that month, then normal billing on the 1st of the upcoming month will automatically continue.
  • For Annual Prepaid members, freezes will take effect on the date of the request. All members will be billed a $15 per month per person fee. Once you come back to unfreeze, your freeze will be calculated and billed. These frozen days will then be added on to the existing end date of each membership.

If you anticipate freezing for longer than 3 months (13+) or longer than 1 month (12-), it’s more cost beneficial to cancel and then sign up again in the future.

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