
Member of the Month – May 2024

Member of the Month - Brandon Brubaker

Tell us about your family

Brandon grew up in the midwest, and after he met his wife, he moved to California! Together, him and his wife have two boys. Brandon currently works as an electrician for a company in Modesto. 

tell us about your climbing background

Brandon was first introduced to climbing through some friends growing up. After marrying his wife and moving to California he was unable to climb until Alpine opened. Brandon was hired to do the electrical wiring at Alpine and joined as soon as Alpine opened their doors. 

why did you join alpine?

Brandon has loved how inclusive Alpine is of all different types of people in different walks of life. He loves that the one common thing that unites everyone despite their differences is climbing. 

what advice would you give to a new climber?

Don’t let the colors on the wall discourage you. Ask for help, there might be things that you can do that someone else might not be able to do. Give everything a try and you might find that you enjoy something you thought you wouldn’t. 

“I love how inclusive Alpine is to people from all walks of life.” – Brandon Brubaker

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