
Member of the month – April 2023

MEMBER OF THE MONTH - jared Veltkamp

Tell us about yourself

Meet Jared! 

Jared lives in Ripon and currently works at Mcdonalds. He is in the process of finding a new job to fill his time. He enjoys playing music, but the one thing that gets him out of bed in the morning is his passion for climbing. 

tell us about your climbing background

Jared was first introduced to climbing when he was 10 years old at his friend’s birthday party. He enjoyed it then, but did not have the opportunity to get seriously into it. A year ago, his cousin invited him to Alpine to climb and that was when Jared “fell in love” with it! Some of Jared’s friends joined the Alpine community, and he followed suit. He now spends just about every day at Alpine.

why did you join alpine?

Jared is known for his DYNO’S. Dynos are technical climbing moves that require you to leave the wall with your whole body! He loves that Alpine provides those climbs as well as an amazing community. He loves the climbing culture, and how approachable climbers are. 

what advice would you give to a new climber?

Jared’s advice to new climbers is to not be afraid to try climbs that are too difficult for you. Do not let the people or the grades be the reason you do not try a route. Push yourself to have fun, and enjoy all that climbing has to offer. 

“Just have fun with it!” – Jared Veltkamp

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