
Member of the Month – Jeremy Filippini


Tell us about your family

Meet Jeremy Filippini! Jeremy & Jamie currently live in Stockton with their three daughters. Jeremy enjoys homeschooling their girls while his wife works as a speech pathologist. As a family they have loved the excitement that climbing brings to their lives. 

tell us about your climbing background

Jeremy was introduced to climbing through Alpine! He was invited by his relatives to try out the Adventure Center. Jeremy tried climbing for the first time and was hooked from then on. Since his first climb in the adventure center, Jeremy has become lead certified and enjoys sport climbing with his morning community. 

why did you join alpine?

Jeremy joined Alpine because he has met some amazing people and staff who make him feel extremely welcomed in the space. He loves that the staff continue to coach him and give him techniques on how to become a more advanced climber. He loves that Alpine has bonded his family. 

what advice would you give to a new climber?

Jeremy would encourage climbers to continue to get on the wall and keep climbing. As you continue to climb you learn new techniques and you will experience the benefits of all that climbing has to offer. 

“Never have I not felt welcomed here” – Jeremy Filippini

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