
Member Of The Month – January 2023

MEMBER OF THE MONTH - Isaac Mininger

Tell us about your family

Meet Isaac Mininger! Isaac grew up in Hughson and currently lives there with his wife Hannah and German Shepard Grizzly. He has always lived in the Central Valley and enjoys how close it is to many great outdoor spots! 

tell us about your climbing background

In 2019 Isaac was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. He was told that it would be unlikely that he would live a normal life. Isaac became passionate about pursuing holistic health and climbing became apart of that pursuit. He knows that when he is climbing, he is holistically pushing himself and demonstrating that he is so much more capable than he thinks he is!

why did you join alpine?

Isaac wanted to continue pursuing a healthy lifestyle which lead him to Alpine. After walking  through the doors he fell in love with how Alpine has challenging routes that change frequently. He loves the diversity of the community, spending time with staff, and how Alpine accommodates such a vast group of people with different interests! Through Alpine Isaac has made some great friendships, and many of those friends spend time outside of the gym climbing and doing life together. 


what advice would you give to a new climber?

Isaac would encourage climbers to persevere through hard things, because we do not always have a choice with what life throws at us! He is inspired to continue to take risks and push himself past his comfort zone and believes that anyone can do the same if they put the work into it. 

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