Tell us about your family

Meet Ashley! Ashley is a speech language pathologist and is married to her husband Gabe. Together they have a one year old son. As a family they love to climb and do life together. 

tell us about your climbing background

Ashley was first introduced to climbing through her sister at a ladies night. That same night she signed up for a top rope class and shortly after became a member here at Alpine. Ashley and her sister LOVED climbing together and she convinced her husband that he would enjoy climbing too! Gabe fell in love with climbing and climbs when he can. 

why did you join alpine?

Ashley has enjoyed the community that she has made at Alpine. They go outdoors together, climb at Alpine together, and love doing life together. She has made amazing friendships that she has taken outside of the gym and done amazing adventures with! 

what advice would you give to a new climber?

If you think you’re not going to be good at this, keep coming and challenging yourself. We all started at the lowest grades and have worked out way up. You’re going to have fun and workout at the same time!

“We all started at the lowest grades and worked our way up” – Ashley Flores

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