Member of the Month – February 2024


Tell us about your family

Meet Kelly! She grew up in Oregon and has lived in California for about 30 years now. She has been blessed with four children and eight grand children. She just recently retired from her career of teaching. 

tell us about your climbing background

Kelly was introduced to climbing through her daughter Whitney. They have always loved doing outdoor adventures together and it did not take long for Whitney to drag Kelly into Alpine to climb. After taking the top rope class, climbing became something that Kelly and Whitney enjoy together and have even introduced Kelly’s granddaughter to.  

why did you join alpine?

It was a great way for Kelly and Whitney to see each other and do something fun. Whitney does not live in the area, so climbing became something that they could do while catching up on life. Kelly loves that she can not only climb but continue in her fitness journey through strength and conditioning classes. She loves the challenge as someone who is a little older. 

what advice would you give to a new climber?

If you want to do it you should try it. If you do it you should try it. Age is just a number. Do not let age be a factor in you not trying it. Climbing is something for any one of any age, it just looks different in the approach. 

“Climbing is for everyone of any age!” – Kelly Thorpe

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