Tell us about your family
Meet Leslie! She has grown up around Ripon and is very familiar with the Central Valley. She works as an accounts payable on her families farm and enjoys helping out there as much as she can.

tell us about your climbing background
Leslie was first introduced to the sport of climbing through attending a ladies night at Alpine. She had been doing cross fit at the time but found that climbing was much more mentally engaging and physically engaging in a different way. She loved how she was able to challenge herself in a way that she never had before.
why did you join alpine?
Leslie has taken many of Alpines classes to advance in her climbing, and found an amazing community. She is not the “outgoing” type but found that the climbing community was a place where she has made some really good friendships that have encouraged her in her climbing journey.

what advice would you give to a new climber?
Try to put aside all your preconceived ideas about yourself. You might think you are scared, too out of shape, or you won’t know anyone. Put those things aside and you might surprise yourself. Do not be afraid to talk to people on your journey.
“Do not be afraid to talk to people on your journey” – Leslie Hiemstra