Member of the Month – August 2023


Tell us about your family

Meet the Patron Family! Yohan is married to his wife, and has two children, Caleb (10) and Mira (8). He is a music teacher in Turlock and his wife is a social worker. 

tell us about your climbing background

Yohan was introduced to climbing when his highschool students bought him a gift card to try out climbing. He came in with a friend and after sending his first route at Alpine, Yohan was hooked. He wanted to share his love for climbing with his students and decided to start a climbing club at his high school. 

why did you join alpine?

Yohan joined Alpine because was a great way for his family to get together! They can pursue their own climbing goals individually but we can also do it as a family. He loves being able to help his children learn to push past their comfort zones and conquer fear.

what advice would you give to a new climber?

You can shift your body weight in so many different ways, everyone has different body types. What works for one person might not work for you. Be patient and enjoy the process!

“Be Patient and Enjoy the process!” – Yohan Partan

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