Tell us about your family
Meet Amanda! She grew up in New Mexico, and currently is a music therapist. She lives with her partner Ryan at a Sky Diving Drop Zone. They both work there taking people sky diving and teaching them about the sport.

tell us about your climbing background
Amanda was first introduced to climbing in the eighth grade. She did not know that climbing was something that people regularly enjoy. After Ryan and Amanda started dating, Ryan introduced Amanda back into climbing. They now go outdoors together.
why did you join alpine?
Ryan and Amanda love that Alpine is close to their drop zone. They do not have to drive far to go to a climbing gym and do something they love. They both enjoy the community and staff at Alpine as well.

what advice would you give to a new climber?
Just breathe! Breath is important, it sets our pace. It brings us into the present and grounds us. Stopping to breathe & reconnecting with your breath will help you have more fun climbing.
“Just breathe.” – Amanda Stang