Member of the Month – May 2023


Tell us about your family

Meet the Shankles Family! Lindsay and her husband Rodney have two girls, River and Raedin, and are proud members of Alpine. They homeschool the girls, and spend their time climbing, swimming, and tumbling. 

tell us about your climbing background

The Shankles were introduced to climbing after celebrating River’s birthday at Alpine. They all started in the Adventure Center together and found that they all had so much fun. That sparked their interest for climbing, and they have been climbing ever since. 

why did you join alpine?

It was a great way for us to get together as a family! We can pursue our own climbing goals individually but we can also do it as a family. The Shankles have taken some climbing classes together as a family and have loved the events, and community.

what advice would you give to a new climber?

One thing that the Introduction to Fundamentals class taught the girls, was to keep their arms straight, so that you are not exerting as much energy. Collectively, the girls would encourage climbers to take lots of breaks and keep trying. If a route is too hard, do not give up and try again! 

“If it is too hard, take a break and try again.” – River Shankles

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