
Member of the Month – March 2023


Tell us about your family

Meet Elizabeth Guerrero! Elizabeth and her husband Jason enjoy climbing with their daughters. Elizabeth is a hospice nurse and lives with her family in Stockton. She has been a nurse for 15 years, and hospice specifically for 8 years. She believes that hospice nursing is her calling and something she deeply enjoys. 

tell us about your climbing background

Elizabeth started climbing 20 years ago, and her first interaction with climbing was in Sacramento at a discount college night. She stopped climbing for a while and then when her and Jason moved to the Stockton area, they started climbing again.  The biggest barrier to her climbing more was having a gym close enough to her.

why did you join alpine?

She loves Alpine’s community and would describe Alpine as a “happy, joyful place to be.” She particularly enjoyed Ladies Night. Everyone at the event was so encouraging and supportive of both women who had never climbed before and those who were lifelong climbers.   

what advice would you give to a new climber?

Some advice that Elizabeth would give new climbers is do not be afraid to fail. Don’t let climbing overwhelm you to the point of not trying. Failure is part of climbing and what pushes climbers to continue to move forward. Take risks and continue to push yourself as you climb. Even if you have setbacks, keep coming back in, trying new climbs and don’t get discouraged.

“I didn’t realize you could get addicted to this… but it’s happened” – Tyler Born

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