
Member of the Month – June 2022


Tell us about your family

Meet Devon Shirk! Devon has a son named Stephen (3) and two dogs! He owns his own trucking company and Stephen is in preschool.

Alpine Climbing Ripon
Alpine Climbing Ripon

tell us about your climbing background

Devon was introduced to climbing in high school through a couple of friends. He had a fear of heights and his friends thought climbing would be the best solution. Little did he know this solution turned into a new found passion.

why did you join alpine?

When Alpine opened, Devon found the flexible hours allowed him to continue to pursue his passions. He joined because not only was he passionate about climbing, but he found the community to be something that was encouraging and fun to be apart of for both him and his son.

Alpine Climbing Ripon
Alpine Climbing Member of the Month

what advice would you give to a new climber?

Climbing isn’t about being the best, it’s about enjoying the space, and the time you are on the wall. It’s about clearing your mind and not worrying about your day to day process. Climbing is almost spiritual when done right, control your breathing, worry about your next move and be in the moment.

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