
member of the month – JANUARY 2022

MEMBER OF THE MONTH - THe swier family

Tell us about your family

Meet the Swier Family! Daniel and Kellie have five children and are all Founding Members at Alpine. Taleah (13), Zeke (10), Jeremiah (8), Shepherd (6) and Dani (4). They own Swier Tire Shop on Main Street in downtown Ripon. 

Swier Son bouldering
Swier belaying

tell us about your climbing background

They were all new to climbing and had no indoor or outdoor experience prior to joining Alpine. When Alpine began building in Ripon, they decided to go all in and give climbing a shot. 

why did you join alpine?

There are so many great things about Alpine. We love how we can do it together as a family and how our kids can learn how to persevere, set goals and work towards them, and the overall community that has formed here. 

Swier bouldering
Swier Family January 2022 Member of the month

what advice would you give to a new climber?


alpine climbing adventure fitness logo and pillars

climb on

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