
member of the month – december 2021


Tell us about youRSELF

Alejandro is 30 years old and moved to the Central Valley just ahead of the pandemic. 

alejandro member of the month at alpine adventure fitness
alejandro beta on boulder

tell us about your climbing background

Alejandro started climbing when he was 18 years old in Mexico. He fell in love from day one with the sport. He has more experience outdoors bouldering. He loves being outdoors and exploring new crags to climb at, but also loves climbing inside at gyms. 

why did you join alpine?

When he moved here, COVID had the world shut down. He was excited when Alpine opened and joined as a Founding Member to  keep his motivation high, make more friends, work hard and get strong. The facilities are nice and clean. The staff is awesome and always excited to help you out. The community here is so supportive. 

alejandro - member of the month december 2021
alejandro hanging on hang board.

what advice would you give to a new climber?

The best advice I would give is attitude. Don’t get discouraged, keep trying as hard as you can. Forget everything else and keep pushing yourself, believe in yourself, and trust yourself. Be disciplined and consistent in your workouts. 

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