member of the month – october 2021

member of the month - Noah Rico

october 2021 member of the month - noah rico

Tell us about yourself

Noah Rico is an East Coast transplant who’s been out on the west coast for most of his life. Grew up in San Francisco and now hails from Stockton. 

tell us about your climbing background

Noah had a little experience in the gym but was limited to the occasional birthday party or scrambling up rocks as a kid. 

noah rico october 2021 member of the month
noah rico top roping

why did you join alpine

It wasn’t until a friend mentioned Alpine that Noah considered becoming a climber. “I was looking for something to do for physical activity” and decided climbing was the next hobby he wanted to undertake. There are so many things he loves about Alpine . 

What advice would you give to a new climber

Put in the time! Keep climbing. Top Rope something way harder and keep pushing yourself. It’s not all strength and muscle. It’s super technical and a ton of fun.

noah rico member of the month alpine climbing adventure fitness
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